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Soul Readings (By Phone)

At any given moment there is at least one major lesson your Soul is trying to learn and incorporate into your life and way of being. This is always reflected by the current circumstances, situations and "problems" you are experiencing, all of which are actually helpful signals from your Soul on what needs addressed for you to move forward. Unfortunately most of us are not tuned into what our Soul is trying to share, causing these impactful opportunities for growth and transformation to pass us by. This disconnect leads to a person feeling stuck and often dissatisfied with life, all without a clue on how to change the situation. I've been there! No fun at all.


In a Soul Reading, I help you to break free by tapping into your Soul's Wisdom to receive the messages that are most meaningful to your life in this moment. While using tarot cards, I tune into your energy and receive images, thoughts, feelings and words from your Soul about the lesson it is helping you with and the tools you can use to move forward on your path. Armed with this information you are ready to embody your True Self and live as the Authentic You, a state that brings with it all the peace, joy and purpose of living from your Soul. If you'd like help implementing your Soul Wisdom right away, choose a Soul Reading with Integration.

Soul Reading (30 minutes) - $60

(Includes a tarot card reading)

Soul Reading with Integration

(60 minutes) - $120

(Reading plus integration of your Soul Wisdom

 into your daily life)

Gift certificates available so you can share!

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Soul Coaching (By Phone)

You've heard of life coaching, which often focuses on changing things outside yourself in order to improve your life experience. Soul Coaching heads in the opposite direction! This session is where we work together to integrate your Soul Wisdom into your daily life, helping you to bring the authentic "inner you" fully into the world. It makes a great follow up to a Soul Reading to ensure you take full advantage of what your Soul has shared with you.


These sessions involve us talking through how your Soul lessons are showing up all over your life and the tools and methods you can use to make the most of the gift you have been given. Are you ready to live aligned with your True Self? If so, let's get that process going together!

Soul Coaching (30 minutes) - $60


Soul Coaching (60 minutes) - $120

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Feedback from clients

I found Koz to be more than intuitive. In my first session, he made me immediately comfortable, and I had no problem discussing very personal issues. Also, he was very honest, and even though some of the information I was told was hard to hear, it was right on the mark. I have since had sessions over the phone and found them to be just as insightful, helpful and important in my spiritual development. He is truly gifted and I highly recommend experiencing his gifts and will bring truth and light into your life.


--Allison L.



Symbol of True nature
Photo of gifted intuitive Koz Kritzer

​© 2012-2023 by Aldagon Resources LLC

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