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Frequently Asked Questions
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Here are some questions and answers about myself and the Soul assistance I offer. 


Koz, when did you discover your abilities?

I became aware of my ability to receive wisdom from Consciousness at an early age, around eight years-old. Of course, being only eight, I had no idea what to make of it or how to really use it. In fact, the first 33 years of my life are a shining example of what happens when you don't make use of the guidance that your Soul so kindly gives you! In early 2002, through the process of exploring my own spirituality, I finally reconnected with this infinite source of Divine information. Immediately the Universe started sending me people in droves, people that needed help to tune into the guidance from their own Soul in order to move forward with their lives. The results have been amazing for me and for them.

How does your ability work exactly?

With a person's permission, I tune into their energy and receive thoughts, feelings, images, pictures and words directly from their Soul. During a session, I use tarot cards to assist in sharing what I receive. Of course, this information from their Soul is available to them as well but we often have filters, subconscious beliefs and set perceptions that we use to block and tune out this valuable guidance. I use this Wisdom from your Soul to direct our conversation and focus your awareness until you discover the true cause of the issue now present in your life. This issue always represents an underlying Soul lesson you are trying to learn and incorporate, and this guidance from your Soul that I convey is your tool to integrate the lesson and move on to what is next for you.


After our Soul Reading session, it is up to you do the work in your life regarding your current Soul lesson. I can assist you with Soul Coaching on your journey, but without your effort, nothing is going to change as you have to give the permission for your own learning and wholeness.


Everything we discuss during a session and the fact that you had a session at all is kept confidential by me. That information is yours to share with whomever you choose. 


Are you a psychic?

I guess it really depends upon what you think a psychic is. If you are looking for someone to give you next week's winning lottery numbers or warn you about a dangerous stranger, then it is likely not me you are seeking. However, I do receive information that most people are not tuned into, information that comes from your Soul and is meant to help you move forward in your life in this moment. And sometimes it does actually involve a vision of what the future potentially holds in a certain aspect of your life if you do the work.

Do you ever do a Soul Reading or Soul Coaching session for two or more people at a time?

Not currently, and that is always subject to change in the future. For my process, I find that the purest and best Soul Wisdom comes through for a person when there are no energetic distractions, which is often what a second person brings due to emotional or energetic connections. I recommend that a person come alone or be on the phone line alone to gain the most out of a session. However I do offer group workshops occasionally and am available to do one-on-one mini or full Soul Readings at events or gatherings so please get in touch if you have an interest in these.


Do you have to be face to face with a person to share your gift?

No, sharing it by telephone also works. In fact, in many cases telephone sessions are more effective because sometimes people will be more honest and open about their feelings and life situation on the telephone since they aren't sitting face to face with someone and feeling uncomfortable. The added benefit of using the telephone is that I can help a person no matter where they are located, allowing me to open up my assistance to the entire world.


Can your ability help every person that comes to you?

Yes and no. Yes, my ability has the potential to help everyone because it automatically kicks into action anytime someone talks to me about a life issue, even if they are a stranger on the street. The person being read can be a complete skeptic and their Soul will still deliver the wisdom it has to share. No, it won't help those people that are not ready and willing to help themselves. I can't rescue or save anyone. All I can do is provide them with their Soul Wisdom and then encourage them to do the work for themselves. But then again, I've been able to help every person I've consulted with as they were all ready and willing to help themselves. Ready means ready to make the necessary effort to effect change. Willing means willing to do and allow for yourself whatever it takes to make change in your life and move past any blockages or resistance within you.


Where are you located?

Currently I am offering primarily phone sessions so we can work together regardless of location. I do sometimes offer in-person session when traveling so it is best to watch this website for announcements about current and future locations where in-person sessions are available for you to book. If you have a desire to have me conduct sessions or workshops in your area, please let me know.

Are you a therapist or a psychologist?

No. Unlike me, therapists, psychologists and the like identify, treat and attempt to cure psychological disorders and illnesses. They use science as their main tool, including medicines, and are very focused on your mental process. In no way am I intending to replace your need (if it exists) for such services with the sessions I offer. Instead of being focused on your head, my assistance is aimed straight at your heart, your Divine Center, and is intended to help you to discover the spiritual cause of an issue in your life. My primary tool in doing this is intuition in the form of your Soul Wisdom.

Are you ready to transform?  Then book a session and let's get started!

Photo of gifted intuitive Koz Kritzer

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